This is the handout for the class on 14th century figure drawing which I taught at Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium. For the people who I promised copies of this (at the time, unfinished) document, I apologise. I’ve had some unfortunate Life issues which have kept me from finishing and sending this out. I will send them out… but in the meantime, I’m putting this here so it’s available to the masses.
Category Archives: Announcements
Hey there.
I’m Ian Raven, and that you’re here tells me that you’ve reached this point for one of two reasons:
1. You’re horribly, horribly lost in the intertubes and you found this page.
2. You’re expecting to see what I’ve been up creatively, or what I’m working on right now.
If it’s the first reason, then you have my apologies. All you’ll find here is a collection of photos, scans, deconstructions, overly-harsh self-critique, and such. If it’s the second reason, then welcome! Here you’ll find a collection of photos, scans, deconstructions, overly-harsh self-critique, and such, dealing mainly with my SCA creative output.
Pardon my dust
The 1990s called, and they want my headline back. Sorry.
You may notice that all of my images are broken right now, right after noticing that the page looks a little different. Well! I’m in the process of migrating blog software, and the image links didn’t come across quite right, so I have to rebuild them. Bear with me, though, I’ll have it all sorted in a bit.
EDIT: It appears all is as it should be, but there may be a few hiccups here and there.