This is the text of Davius Saincte-Jacques’ Silver Rapier scroll, which was calligraphied and illuminated by Mistress Nataliia. I poked around for quite a while before finding a source text which fit the requirements: short enough to stay concise, wordy enough to sound properly Elizabethan, and appropriate to the item being given. The original, linked below, seems divinely inspred and created to match those descriptions exactly.
As by the Grace of Heaven Gregor and Kiena, sovereigns Oriental and Princes of Tir Mara etc. , to the Company, greeting.
Wee will and commande of you, our Company, at the receipt of our missive to deliver or cause to be delivered before us our welbeloved Davius Saincte-Jacques, gent., in consideration of such service as he hath don unto Us by graceful steel in this and divers other Kingdoms, and acclaim him over and above such accolade as he hath already, as a member of your company.
And these our Letters shall be sufficient warrant in his behalf that this Sliver Rapier is given under our Privie Seal, the xxist of January, in Iron Bog at the Investiture there.
Based on a Privy Seal Letter (Warrant) to the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer for the payment of a certain sum to the person named therein (27 September, 12 Elzabeth) found on p.96 of “A formula book of English official historical documents, Volume 1” By Hubert Hall