2009 Known World Academy of the Rapier/Known World Costuming Symposium website and swag art

KWAR/KWCS swag art

I built and co-maintained the website for KWAR/KWCS 2009, designing it to look as if it had been illuminated and painted. This was a pretty decent challenge, as I’m not a painter, and this was going on the web. The base images are ink drawings, digitally painted in Photoshop. Once we had the site laid out, I designed the image which would eventually grace the event swag (see above.) This was produced on-demand at Zazzle.com.

The real site is long gone, but here’s the sample site. Unfortunately, it looks like the “penguin cam” link is dead too, but I keep holding out hope.

EDIT: Wonder of wonders! The penguin cam is working again! Life is the tiniest bit better today because of it.

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